Disclaimer:  Even though every effort has been made to ensure this warrant data's accuracy, Standard Bank, or an associated company can not be held responsible for any errors contained herein. Please use the data with caution. We recommend that you contact the issuer for confirmation of key data.
Underlying Code Strike
Expiry Reset
Strike Price
Type Ratio Effective

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (�Standard Bank�) is pleased to launch an innovative new product called Reset Warrants. Reset warrants give investors added security when dealing in the warrant market.
What are Reset Warrants?

A Reset Warrant is a derivative, meaning that its value is derived from another underlying asset. Reset Warrants differ from Vanilla Warrants in that they have a pre-determined reset date on which the strike price of the warrant could change in an investor�s favour. Reset Warrants are available as call warrants listed over individual indices or shares traded on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Limited (�JSE�).

The reset date is an observation date on which the strike of a call warrant could decrease to the prevailing market level if the underlying price is below the warrant�s initial strike price. This increases the probability of the warrant ending �in the money�, and effectively gives investors a second chance when an anticipated move in the underlying asset does not occur as initially expected. Reset Warrants therefore give investors a degree of insurance against the market moving in the opposite direction to their view.

Prior to the reset date, Reset Warrants will lose their value at a slower rate than Vanilla Warrants when the market moves against investors. Once the reset date has passed, Reset Warrants behave like Vanilla Warrants.
Learn More

Click here to Download the Reset Warrants Brochure